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Luke was born in the Pocono area in Pennsylvania and raised in the shadow of the Appalachian Mountains, the trees of which are the envy of Ents the world over.
Despite a promising upbringing, he aspired to become a writer and, as such, is still aspiring to this day. He attended Penn State for business, promptly abandoned the major in favor of the more nebulous choice of "English", and eventually settled into a rewarding career as an English teacher at the East Stroudsburg Area School District. In addition to his teaching duties he runs clubs like Card Game Club and Journaling.
While at ESU, Luke served at the writing studio where he worked as the lead designer on the studio's official board game, "Tutoropoly".
Beyond writing, his interests include guitar, archery, golf, skiing, board games, painting, and planning tabletop roleplaying games that no one will ever play.